Weekly Figures
"Everyone should have the opportunity to access fresh food and a healthy diet regardless of their socioeconomic background."
In many Baltimore neighborhoods, there is a lack of consistent access to healthy, fresh food. Residents in food priority areas often rely on corner stores that do not have the means to supply fresh food on a large scale. Access to food is one of the leading factors in the social determinants of health. Baltimore residents suffer from significantly higher rates of premature death due to diet-related diseases (WHO). Additionally, of the families in food priority areas, an overwhelming 85.2% are from communities of color, making access to food an ethnographic issue, not simply a geographic one.
Here at Seedling, we have committed to combatting these issues in our local community. Our interconnected inititives include combatting food insecurity, expanding fresh food education, and building community partnerships.
Student Feedback
"I like how Seedling allows open discussions to
ask questions and dig deeper."
- Student in Seedling's pilot course at Green Street Academy (2023)